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Secular Action
SECULAR ACTION-1000 ways to get involved in the Secular Cause

Hilary McLemore joins the SecularAction.org Team

by Severisth

Michael Trollan is the founder of SecularAction.org, former chairman of the Secular Coalition for America, and serves on the board of directors for Sunday Assembly New York and for Ideas Beyond Borders. He's been an activist since December 2012.



Hilary McLemore

“I was raised as a Christian in the south. I always had my doubts about the existence of a divine creator, but I didn’t admit that I was an atheist until I was in my early twenties. I just “came out” to my immediate family last year. Now I work as a personal trainer in New York City, and I’m surrounded by practitioners that promote pseudoscience and quackery in the health and wellness field. I want to do my best to promote science, reason, and critical thinking. I am so pleased to help promote a positive worldview with atheists and skeptics through Secular Action!”